ita       eng

artistic practices in conflict places

Giancarlo Cauteruccio
Guerrilla Girls
Jens Haaning
Mario Rizzi
Social Impact
The Yes Men


Marco Bontempi
Roberto Burchielli
Giancarlo Cauteruccio
Live Your Life
Gianna Maschiti
Marco Scotini
Tiziana Villani


In 1982, in Florence, Giancarlo Cauteruccio and Pina Izzo give life to Krypton company, group of multimedia research which grounds its own poetics on a technologic-artistic superficiality. Since 1991 the company has its key headquarters in the theater-office of Scandicci where, to theatrical activity, it joins an uninterrupted research on art languages. The whole company production follows the new technologic-communicative instruments used in order to find new aesthetic qualities for the setting. Giancarlo Cauteruccio is famous in Italy and abroad for his peculiar poetics which hybridizes arts and technologies. Since 1985, together with his co-workers , he introduces besides a linguistic and aesthetic analysis around the problems of void, oblivion, the sublime and incommunicability. His last theatrical works represent the several aspects of the inner and interpersonal conflict, often leaving aside the narrative content of language to focus on its expressive, emotional and haunting force of failed relationships and dumbness of the family landscape. Works by him have been presented in the main Italian theaters and in many international circles, among which New York, Moscow, Oslo and Berlin have to be underlined.


Conflitticonference Jens Haaningworkshop Mario Rizziworkshop Guerrila Girlsperformance Live Your Lifesocial lab Postfordist realitysocial lab The Yes Menworkshop Social Impactworkshop Gecekonduexhibition